Vinegar Syndrome

My Master My Love / Teenage Masseuse / More

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Ralph Ell was a jack of all trades in New York's low budget sex film industry; writing, directing, producing, shooting, or editing dozens of low budget oddities. Collected here are three of his most elusive directorial efforts.

Darby Lloyd Raines stars as a vicious dominatrix who lives with her beautiful slave girl. When her brother comes to visit, he immediately becomes smitten with the slave and plots to steal her away.

A bored housewife, who has fallen out of love with her husband, takes a job as a Times Square call girl. Can anything rekindle the love she once had for her husband?

A detective (Harry Reems) is on the case of a man who was murdered, reportedly by the mob. Using his wife as undercover sexual bait, they plan a trap for the hitman responsible...

Directed by: Ralph Ell
Combined cast: Darby Lloyd Rains, Annie Sprinkle, Bree Anthony, Bobby Astyr, Harry Reems, Tanya Tickler, Nancy Dare, Alan Marlow
1975 / 191 minutes (combined) / Color / 1.33:1

  • Region free DVD
  • Both films scanned and restored in 2k from 16mm archival elements